888.com is planning to launch up to 50 new RNG games in a bid to shore up profits hit by a decline in revenues at its poker websites.

888 says its new strategy is to target online audiences with virtual games based on real-world interests, such as betting on horse races, dog racing and fixed-odds games.

Web’s Worst

The company has been reeling ever since changes in US law closed its operations there and cut profits by more than half and European poker players have been deserting its websites in search of bigger purses on US outlets.

Further woes in recent months include the pulling of controversial ad campaign by Google and the online ads for the sites being named the worst on the web.

In March, the European Union launched an inquiry into the US ban after complaints from European online operators that it broke world trade rules.

EU trade secretary Peter Mandelson has backed the investigation and is leading a top-level delegation to Washington later this month.


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