Britain’s real life Spooks have been hitting the world’s online casinos and poker rooms to track down terrorists, it has been claimed.

MI5 is targeting Internet gambling websites in a bid to trap the paymasters of al-Qaeda and other shady organisations who may be using them to launder money.

The fear is the secret cash could be used to train potential suicide bombers in Britain.

MI5 teams have undergone crash courses in how to spot “suspicious bets on the mushrooming number of gambling sites on the Internet,” one well-placed blogger has claimed.


The founder of WorldNet Daily, Joseph Farah, claims in his subscription G2 newsletter: “Some of the largest bets have been traced to British gamblers using sites operating as far afield as the Netherlands, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Hong Kong.

“The follow-the-money trail has led the MI5 officers to banks in the Middle East and Pakistan.”

The newsletter says MI5 bosses believe some of the gamblers may have access to top-level encryption software designed by al-Qaeda computer experts.

This allows money launderers to place their bets at far less risk of interception by MI5 or other intelligence services, Farah quotes an unidentified Security Service source.


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