An online casino has been SHUT DOWN amid claims of a row between its backers and the company running it. was a “white-label” deal between Inside Gaming and Helsinki-based Aspiritus. The site itself was hosted on the Caribbean island of Curacao using Playtech software. Now a statement at the web site reads that it has been closed “due to unforeseen circumstances”


“Every effort has been made to find another provider or partner that would enable us to implement new products as soon as possible,” a statement issued by Aspiritus Gaming read this morning.

“However, our search has been futile to date, due to time constraints on delivering new products, the cost of obtaining new licenses or a mixture of both.

“Over the last week, we have been reviewing the business and it is with great regret that we will have to close the Aspiritus business with immediate effect as the impact on the Aspiritus business of the recent contractual dispute and ultimate termination of the contract with our gaming operator has been devastating.

Sell off

“The dispute has put Aspiritus under further financial strain and, after reviewing the cash flow of the business, the Aspiritus management team has been left with no alternative.”

The statement DID reveal that a deal had been reached to sell existing Aspiritus members to a new, unnamed gaming operator set to open an online presence later this month.


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